7 years ago Owner and CEO of evolove Daryl "Legend "Love was diagnosed with an illness called sarcoidosis or better known as the Bernie Mac illness which tragically took Bernie Macs Life some years ago. This illness made it hard for Daryl to be the hard working man he had been prior to his diagnoses. It affects his eyes, joints and lungs mostly causing fatigue and pain often throughout his days. Though his fight is fierce and ongoing he continues to fight and push on. He uses this platform he has created for himself to bring awareness to other illness such as Autism, Breast Cancer and Lupus, which the colors in his logo also represent and bring together as part of inclusion and awareness with his “Thread” Logo. He uses plush materials (Supima®️) cotton mostly , amazing color and his signature palindrome evolove to bring awareness through fashion. He says “ We are all tied together , no matter how small the knot” ... no matter what the fight is , no matter which way you put it , Either way its all LOVE .